110th Anniversary Look Back

110th Anniversary Look Back - Day 86

As mentioned last month, the founding Kegel brothers had their share of horrific accidents over the years - today's post tells of an accident that brother Edward had in 1914 when he ran into... a horse?


Cyclists Have Exciting Experience and So Has Horse.

Edward Kegel and Raymond Enfort, while riding a motorcycle on the State road last night about 10 o'clock,  were badly shaken up and bruised about the face and arms.

The two young men were coating down Rosenstiel's hill which is about a mile out of the city, and were bumping along, hitting the high spots in the road at the rate of about twenty miles an hour. A horse drawing a buggy was coming up the hill and when the motorcycle got within about twenty feet of the rig, the horse became frightened and reared up in the air coming down in the center of the road. Mr. Kegel who was driving the motorcycle, hit the animal a bump in the breadbasket, whereupon the riders took a headlong sail through the air, and caught the hourse another wallop in the side. The frightened animal reared and jumped about and the two riders and the horse became tangled up together in the road. The motorcycle rolled to one side of the road. The motorcycle rolled to one side of the road and lay there kicking up a racket which kept the horse frightened and jumping about. The riders, however, got to the machine and stopped the engine.

When the stock was taken of the injuries it was found that he horse had received several punctures in the side and stomach while the motorcyclists wee scratched and bruised about the hands and face. The motorcycle being made of more solid material escaped without being damaged.

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