110th Anniversary Look Back

110th Anniversary Look Back - Day 230

Continuing with yesterday's #365daysofkegelhd post, the Rockford Daily Republic also reported on motorcycle deliveries in their May 24, 1928 issue!


Demonstrating the efficiency of the motorcycle in conjunction with light delivery, a group of men, headed by E.C. Vorpe of the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Co. factory, is spending a few days calling on merchants in Rockford and vicinity. J.E. Kegel, 118 N. Madison st., local Harley-Davidson dealer, is supervising the work of the crew.

In speaking of the development of the motorcycle in the commercial field, Mr. Kegel said:

"Modern business and competition have made it almost imperative that the merchant look for better and cheaper methods to employ. This is especially true of package delivery. Old methods are too costly and do not successfully meet competition. With the Harley-Davidson motorcycle package truck, deliveries may be made in one half the time at less than one third of the former cost and in addition render better service to the customer. In this day of increasing traffic difficulties the motorcycle is especially valuable.

"The factory claims that these package trucks can be operated at a cost less than 3 cents per mile, though my personal observation indicates with proper care deliveries can be made at much less."

The factory group which includes E.C. Vorpe and C.H. Sage, territory salesmen, will be in Rockford three days conferring with any merchant who has a delivery problem to work out.

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